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My name is Cholpon Musaeva. This workshop has been extremely informative, enriching, insightful and effective. I've loved everything about it: it's content, i.e. web tools, tutorials, readings, links, etc.; it's organization; it's professional and humane co-ordenators and moderators who guided and encouraged us at every stage by facilitating our learning constructively all the time, practising and teaching they preach; it's enthusiastic paricipants keen and eager to learn and share; it's positive atmosphere and learner-centered nature. I have become aware of and learned about a rich myriad of interesting web tools. It has been my dream for quite a while to attend a course on technology in a classroom, and this programme has overmet my expectations. Due to some technical problems and a busy schedule, could not attend two live sessions and follow quite a few tutorials and readings, but will definitely try to practise little by little at my pace. I would like to create my wiki and blog and embed links using various other tools. I would also like to explore more web tools, use them with my students and colleaugues, and have collaborative projects with other teachers, trainers and their students and trainees. I have done enough courses on teaching using face-to-face mode, would like to learn and use internet and get involved in blended and on-line courses with time. Thank you very much to all the co-ordenators and moderators for a wonderful organization, planning and implementation of the course, I found it very professional from all perspectives. Thank you to all the participants for genuine interest and collaboration. Hope to keep in touch. God bless. Don't wanna say, 'Good bye', will say, 'Hear from you soon' and 'See you soon'. Cholpon Musaeva PhD (English Language Education) Hyderabad India