

Page history last edited by Paul 9 years, 8 months ago


Participants' Photos and Intros 



NOTE: You need to request access to the wiki to be able to edit. You also need to have an account in PBworks. (It's free.)


Watch this video if you don't know how to request access; it also gives you an overall description of wiki navigation:


If you see a light yellow banner across the top saying that a participant is "editing" this page, please "don't steal the lock". Just be patient and wait your turn! Wait until they finish and save their work. Come back in a few minutes. That's good netiquette.  :-)


Once you click on the "Edit" tab (above), scroll down the page until you see the last introduction, then...


Follow these instructions to paste your intro (the one you sent to the Yahoo group):


1. Add your intro after the last profile you find. Make your intro no more than 100 words.

2. Select "your name" and write your name. 

3. Add your photo in the left cell; Please, resize your photo to 150 x 150 (pixels) maximum before uploading it:

    a. Click the "Images and files" link (on the right) once you are on the edit mode

    b. Upload your picture

    c. Put the cursor on the picture cell and click on your photo link (on the right)

4. In the right cell write your introduction. Include information about your place of work, the country where you live, what you do, why you joined this session, and your Yahoo ID. (It's advisable to write it in advance in Notepad, for example, and then copy-paste it here.)

5. Click "Save"


N.B.: If any of you accidentally delete something in the wiki, please click undo; if it doesn't work, contact the moderators through the yahoo group, so that they try to recover the information previously saved. If you notice that you're messing up your editing, or that something is wrong with your work, don't Save, just Cancel, and then start again. Thank you! 


Note: Please, resize your photo to 150 x 150 (pixels) maximum before uploading it.


If you don't know how to resize your photo, please see the Help page


If you have questions, feel free to ask in the YG list





Teresa Almeida d'Eça


Teresa Almeida d’Eça is a recently retired EFL teacher. She taught English for 33 years at most levels. She lives and works from home in a small town in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. In January 2002, she joined the Webheads in Action for the EVOnline 8-week teacher development workshop, and since then she has been actively involved in the cyberworld of education! She has published two books, one on the use of the Internet in education and the other on the use of email in the classroom. She presents regularly at conferences at home and abroad. She's been coordinator and co-moderator of BaW with Dafne González since 2004. She also co-moderates with Dafne the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". You're welcome to visit her website and to get in touch with her at tmvaz-at-mail.telepac.pt .


YahooMessenger: teca2002pt

Skype: teresadeca

Twitter: teresadeca



Natassa Zontanou

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Hello! I am Natassa Zontanou. I live in Athens, Greece. I hold a University degree in Education. I have been teaching English to Greek Students since 1989, as soon as I received my teaching license and in the same time I studied at the Hellenique Kapodistriako University of Athens. I am the owner and Director of Studies Of a Foleign Language Center where English, French and German is taught. I love teaching, actually it is the only thing I do and I am good at it. As our world changes I have to keep up with my students. I look forward to this opportunity.

Yahoo ID zontanounatassa 




Julie Tol Veeneman

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I'm Julie Tol Veeneman. You'll ID me as Voz Alta, my shout out to Charlie Brown's friend Lucy. I’ve just left elementary after-school programming, with a 21rst Century Community Learning Center, for teaching on line. I’ve taught ESL and EFL to ELL newcomers, expats, and nationals and SSL and SFL to SLLs, across different borders. My classrooms have been traditional k-12 day school, after school, university, night school and site school; my students infant to elders.  My newest classroom has no walls, nothing but air …  skype. I'm eager to retool my skills, and that is my expectation from baw2012.  altavoz52



Daniela Tomatis


Hi everybody!
My name's Daniela Tomatis and I teach English in a Middle School in Villanova Mondovi, a small town in the north-west of Italy. I joined this group because I'd like to learn new things to try with my students and to share with colleagues who teach in the schools in my area. Hope to make lots of new friends from all over the world!

Yahoo ID themachinegoeson

Twitter danielatomatis

blog http://themachinegoeson.blogspot.com





Verónica Pintos


Hi! My name is Verónica Pintos and my Yahoo ID is veropintos. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I work at different places, as many teachers do, I guess. I teach at Universidad CAECE and I coordinate the English Department at a small primary school in the suburbs of BA. I also study at Universidad CAECE. I'm pursuing an MA in Education Management. 

I'm very fond of learning new issues, especially the ones related to technology. That's the main reason why I have joined this group. I hope I can learn lots of new things and then, I'd like to share them with my colleagues at work. 

Eager to start! :-)







Sanja Bozinovic

Hi! My name is Sanja Bozinovic and I come from Velika Gorica, a small town in the greater area of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. After getting my university degree, BA in English and Italian languages and literature, I started working as a teacher. That was 21 years ago and I still love my job.

This is my fourth BaW and every year I learn something new and meet a lot of great teachers.

I am looking forward to a lot of learning and sharing,



My Yahoo ID: sanja.bozinovic     Twitter: @bsanja

Skype: msbozinovic                      SL: San Krokus

Facebook: Sanja Bozinovic

My blog: http://sanjasays.blogspot.com/

My wiki I created for my students: http://weplayandlearnenglish.pbworks.com/ 



Mariel Amez

I'm an EFL teacher and work mostly teaching Literature to EFL teachers- to- be.

I have lived all my life in Rosario, Argentina


My Yahoo ID: mamez

Twitter: @mamez

Skype: marielamez

Facebook: Mariel Amez

My blogs: www.mamez.wordpress.com www.mamez.posterous.com




Dawn Kobayashi



Hi everyone, my name's Dawn Kobayashi and I'm really excited about this course. I'm originally from the UK but have been living in Japan for 14 years. I currently work at a number of locations teaching EFL to ages 3-70! But from April I will be teaching a General English course at a local university. I want to build an online presence to hook up with other teachers, share information and to create a learning space for my students. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all in the next few weeks!

Take care!

Yahoo ID: dawnkobayashi

SkypeID: dawnkobayashi

Facebook: Dawn Kobayashi

Twitter: dawnkobayashi



Cholpon Musaeva

Hi, I am Cholpon Musaeva from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. At the moment I’m doing PhD in English Language Education and working as a teacher of English as Foreign/Second Language at The EFL-U, Hyderabad, India. I am interested in using technology and web tools for teaching and learning. I am new in this field, so need much guidance and help. Hope we will have a great team and learn with fun.

My Yahoo ID: chopa_m@yahoo.com

Facebook: Cholpon Musaeva

Skype: Cholpon Musaeva



Sameh Tharwat

Dear friends from all over the world,
I am Sameh Tharwat. I am from Egypt. My yahoo ID is sam6. I have graduated at Faculty of Education Mansoura University 2004, I work as English instructor at ELTC "English Language Teaching Center" Mansoura University. I have joined this course cause it is related to my MA thesis. I think this group will enhance my abilities at using web tools. thanks in advance. 

Yahoo ID: sam6

Skype: mr_sameh6

Twitter: same7_same7



Carolina Marcote



I am Caro from Rosario, Argentina. I work as a teacher of Business English
mainly and I love using technology in my classes. Hoping to learn a lot!


Yahoo ID: carolinamarcote

Skype: carobaw



Karen Scarlet

Hi, my name is Karen Scarlett. My yahoo id is "therealprettytwisted". I am an artist & sometimes entrepreneur. I am interested in learning how to use technology tools more wisely to introduce my line of anti-BULLY dolls & books to the world. Website coming soon http://justethel.com
twitter: @karenscarlett            

flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/prettytwisted/sets/72157627976379354/
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=646644387





Russ Pearce

Hi everyone. I'm Russ Pearce (russ185) and I'm an English teacher at the brand new Eastern International University in Binh Duong, about 40km North of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Vietnam.

I'm really hoping this course will show me how to use things like wikis and collaborative online projects. I'm not sure how it will work in my ESL classroom but it will certainly give me ideas for the future.

It's great to see so many people from around the world on here. I began teaching 6 years ago in Argentina and since then I've worked in Syria, Azerbaijan and Tunisia before finding myself here in Vietnam 3 months ago.

It's a pleasure to meet you all. Chat soon!


Take a look at http://www.mytb.org/rrruss to see what I do when I'm not teaching - travelling!!!!!



Sabrina Wilson

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I'm Sabrina and I'm an English teacher at an after school academy near Barcelona, Spain. I teach all ages from 3 years old to adults. I need to teach what's in the books but would like to spice things up a bit. I'm also interested in learning more about online tutoring and training others when I have more experience. I heard about this course/programme during Heike Philp's Virtual Round Table conference last year and have been waiting ever since to participate. I've been warned that this will be a challenge but I'm looking forward to getting out of a rut.











David Balmaceda

Hello everyone! 


I’m David Balmaceda from Granada, Nicaragua. I’m currently teaching English at Central American University and at Del Valle University, Managua, Nic.  I’m really looking forward to sharing and learning about how to use web communications tools in our teaching. Can’t wait to start and get to know you all!


 YID: davidbalmaceda

Skype: dbalmaceda

Twitter: dbalmacedad



Indrit Bulku


Hi everyone,

I'm  Indrit Bulku and I am an EFL/ESL teacher from Albania.  I'm currently living in Qatar and working at Qatar University.  In addition to teaching I am a member of curriculum committee. My responsibilities include preparing and editing all types of essays and integrated- grammar handouts for all levels of profeciency in the Foundation Program at Qatar University. My main interest is integrating technology into my teaching. It is so nice to be among so many teachers from alll ver the world. I am sure this will be an invaluable experience.

msn: indrit.bulku@gmail.com

twitter: indritb

yahooID: bulku




Bob Lejkowski-Clark


Hello. My name is Bob Lejkowski-Clark and my Yahoo ID is frenchbob2001.


I have been teaching English as Foreign Language for the past 10 years  mainly in Poland but I also work in summer schools in the UK. I have taught all levels from Absolute Beginner to Advanced but these days mainly teach Intermediate and above for a private language school in Poland. I teach mainly adults but also teenagers and only teenagers in the summer. I also prepare students mainly for FCE but have taught CAE in the past


I have joined the group because when I became a teacher technology was in its infancy and I have had very little to do with technology in teaching although I do consider myself computer literate. The school where I work has one 'Multimedia Suite" which contains one computer with internet connection, projector and screen. There is always a fight for this room and I can't see the point. Most of the things I have seen done using technology I would regard as entertainment which does have a place in teaching but I can not justify changing classrooms for an activity which takes 5 minutes and can probably be done  without technology.


I know I must learn how to integrate technology into lessons and am also considering a move into online teaching in the future to provide an additional source of income for my family.


Just remembered my twitter @Dziekie2




Maryanne Burgos

Hello everyone,

I'm Maryanne Burgos. I retired from teaching ESL to students in grades
6-12 in a public school in the U.S. I now teach one online, graduate
course through the University at Buffalo. The course is called 
Technologies in L2. I spend a tremendous amount of time on the course
and love every minute of it!

I have been a Webhead for many years but find that by participating
annually in the BaW course, I always come away with new insights and
hope I can share a few as well. :-)

Yahoo ID: maryanneburgos

Twitter: @anciana
Blog: http://www.eduwebtools.blogspot.com




Kimberly MacCurdy


My name is Kimberly MacCurdy and my yahoo ID is "kamk32". I've been working in EFL in Mexico for over 20 years and am currently involved in curriculum and training development. I joined this group because I'm very interested in learning more about teaching/learning opportunities that technology offers. I also look forward to "meeting" and collaborating with all of you!





Rossana Mandich

Hello everybody!


My name's Rossana Mandich and I live and work in Milan - Italy. I've been an EFL teacher for almost 30 years (!!!) at a language school run by the Milan Council.  I feel I need some new perspectives now (I'd love a move to online teaching one day ...) My students are aged 16-65 and in the last three years I've been running blended courses using Moodle. 

I'm looking forward to learning about new tools and technologies!


Skype rossmand

yahoo roclam



Dilian Xiomara Ortìz Sabillòn




Dilian Ortìz   has been teaching English at   Centro Cultural Sampedrano ( Binational Center ) for the past ten years.  

She lives in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.  She  received a Bachelor`s degree in Secondary English Teaching from

“  Universidad Pedagògica” .   Dilian is  in charge of the English Additional Activities in  the Secondary and ACCESS Microscholarship Programs. She joined the Webheads in Action to learn more about the cyberworld of Education, as well as to share with colleagues about the passionate  experience of being a teacher !!!


Yahoo messenger :    dillianxos

Skype:                dillianxos

Twitter:        dillianxos





Anita Belancic

Hello everybody,

My name is Anita Belancic, I am a biology teacher from Croatia. My yahoo ID is anibelani. I hope I will be able to follow all BaW activities, since I am not English teacher and my teaching experience is very short, only a few months J. I would like to learn about web tools and communication, and use this knowledge with my students and my colleagues.



Claudia Carril

My name is Claudia, I teach English in Uruguay and this is my 5th time at EVO.

During the previous years I learnt how to create websites, wikis, blogs, and the use of different tools in the classroom. My students work mostly with our wiki, our blog and Skype. Our school year starts in March and I'd like to surprise my students with new projects.

I have a Bachelor in TESOL (University of London) and hope to have an MA in the future.

I run a small language school in Montevideo where I teach children, teens and adults. I train students to take University of Cambridge and Trinity College examinations, but I also teach people who want to brush up their English to travel, for a job, or just for fun.

My wiki is:  www.theenglishcorner.com.ar

My blog is: www.englishcorne-claudia.blogspot.com

My Skype name is: hydeparkuruguay

My e-mail is: claro@adinet.com.uy


See you around




Thaís Loureiro Dias

I'm Thaís from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

I'm 24 years old, journalist, but last year I taugh English in a social project at a public High School.

This experiencie changed me a lot and now I will go back to University to become an English Teacher. 

So, I'm already getting in touch with lots of materials and webseminar about TESL/TEFL and also studying English to become advanced/fluent. 

This is my first EVO (BaW and YLTsig/IATELF sessions). I'm so glad to be part of this. Thank's all for this great opportunity. I hope learn a lot with you all.


Skype: thais.loureiro.dias

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thais.loureiro.dias

Email: thaisloureirodias@gmail.com








Lawan Dalha

Hello everyone and happy new year,
My name is Lawan Dalha. I'm from Nigeria but currently teaching EFL at Yanbu University College, Saudi Arabia. I've been involved in the teaching of English for the past 11 years at teachers' training college and university.
This is not my first time in evoBAW, but my intention now is to participate fully and become a real webheads. In the past I couldn't because of technology limitations.
Looking forward to exciting session; already it began at the kick-off, I was there, it was great!

YahooID: lawandalha

Skype: lawandalha

twitter: lawandalha 





Alsu Gilmetdinova

My name is Alsu Gilmetdinova. I am a first year doctoral student in Language and Literacy at Purdue University, USA. I am originally from Russia. After completing Bachelor's degree in English language and literature at home, I got my MA in English from Montana State University. As you can see, I am a life-long learner, I am interested in bilingual education, educational technology, second language writing and educational leadership. I am amazed by the diversity of participants here and I am looking forward to learning from all of you. I am a newbie in technology, but I am eager to delve into theory and practice of Computer Assisted Language Learning.

Yahoo ID: alsu.gilmetdinova

Skype: alsu1986

email: alsu.gilmetdinova@yahoo.com




Andrea Wade

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I'm British and have been working as an EFL teacher for the past seven years. I am currently employed by Eastern International University in Binh Duong New City, Vietnam. It's a brand new university in a brand new city and it's really exciting to be in at the start of something!

I'm really looking forward to learning more about how to exploit technology in my classroom and, hopefully, to expanding my PLN at the same time!

Twitter: @worldteacher




Karolina De Vrgna



I come from Croatia. I am an EFL teacher to children with speaking and hearing difficulties at primary school. This is my 2nd year in EVO. I love this course because of its lovely moderators, presenters and participants! I love the Web 2.0 Tools and enjoy discovering new ways of teaching and learning. My pupils are even more enthusiastic when it comes to this.


Looking forward to learning from all of you!


Skype: karolinadevrgna

Yahoo ID: karolinadevrgna

Twitter: @karolinadevrgna




Sneza Filipovic



Hello, everybody!

 My name is Sneza Filipovic and I am an English teacher from Belgrade, Serbia. I have been teaching English for about 20 years. I work at Kolarac language centre and I teach adults. Now I can`t explain why but it took my best friend Natasa 4 years to make me realize how useful and interesting these sessions are! I never felt I was ready enough to start. Now I know I am ready, or at least willing and when there`s a will there`s a way. Hopefully, I won`t click too many wrong buttons  J

Yahoo ID:  sneza.filipovic

Skype: sneza.filip7




Bryan T. Stoakley (Stoakley)


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In addition to completing my Ph.D. in SLA and CALL, I am currently attempting to obtain my 3rd nationality (weeehooo!).  My name is B. T. Stoakley, but everyone calls me "Stoakley."  I am Panamanian by birth, English by name, European by blood, American by naturalization, but Southern by the Grace of God (southern sayin')  ;), and a permanent resident of South Korea.  I have been teaching ESL and/or EFL since 1997 at the university level and primary school level.  I am so stoked (no punishment if no pun is meant) about these sessions!  w00t!!


B.T. Stoakley, Ph.D. (Candidate) Korea National University of Education

KoreaTESOL Web Services Chair

 KoreaTESOL National Webmaster

KoreaTESOL CALL SIG Facilitator


Skype:  bryanstoakley

Kakao #:  (82) 010.6564.5425

FB: BT. Stoakley

Twitter:  BTStoakley

Yahoo:  BStoakley

Google+:  Stoakley@gmail.com






Dorothee Rölli

Hi from Bonn!
I'm Dorothee and I'm really looking forward to getting started on the workshop. This is my third year with the evo-sessions, and I'm sure this workshop will be as much fun as the previous ones.
I'm a teacher of English and German literature and language. For a number of years I've worked at a grammar school teaching students at the age of 10-18. For these last five years, however, I have been teaching Business English to young adults at the RheinAhrCampus in Remagen (near Koblenz).

Yahoo ID: dororoelli

Skype: roelli-bonn






Karen Frazier Tsai

Hi, everyone!

I’m Karen Frazier Tsai and I currently live in Yorba Linda, in southern CA, but will be in Seattle WA by the beginning of February. I am an author for Oxford University Press and have taught EFL in Taiwan and ESL in the U.S. My work with OUP has taken me to Asia and Mexico for numerous teacher training and EFL seminars. Though I work with Google docs and use Skype, I’m truly a newbie with most all webtools and am amazed at what is available to us now! So, I am eager to get to know all of you and to learn together about how we can use these webtools in teaching our students!

Skype ID: kftsai02

Yahoo ID: kfrazierts

Twitter: @kfraztsai






Magdalena Selova

My name is Magdalena and I come from the Czech Republic. I have taught languages to children, teenagers and adults in state and private schools. I have recently finished my MA in Applied Linguistics in London and I can’t wait to get back to teaching again. This is my first EVO session and I hope to learn a lot. I am looking forward to this experience and to meeting colleagues from all over the world. 

Yahoo ID: jinotajj

twitter: jinotaj






Tihomir Davchev


Hi all! I am Tihomir Davchev, an English teacher from Macedonia. I teach young adults and adults at a private language centre in my country. I am planning to take on an M.A. in TESOL in UK, so if you have any information about this course quality or any scholarships available, don't hesitate to contact me. This is my first EVO session and I hope we will have exciting 5 weeks of sharing, learning and collaborating! Can't wait for the live session to begin :)

Yahoo ID: kiratiho

E-mail: tihomir.davchev@gmail.com

Twitter: @kiratiho

Skype: tihofed




Catherine Boissier


  Hello everybody!

I'm Catherine and I've been teaching for over 25 years and it's now time for me to get the BaW bug! I love teaching and I see all kinds of students - older learners, university students, kids at school, in-business people - and it's all fun! I hope to learn how to navigate through the web with more confidence so that my students can use real sites for real stimulating ways to use their English. Otherwise, I love life in all its forms and I'm looking forward to meeting you all!      

Yahoo ID: catherine.boissier

Twitter ID: @catboissier

Skype ID: catherine.boissier




Rosemary Raygada


Hello everybody,

This is my second participation in EVO. I enjoyed my first experience in 2009, and I have great expectations for this workshop.

Nice to share and work with all of you during the next five weeks.








Christie Atherton

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Hi, I'm originally from Canada and I am joining BAW from Japan where I have lived and taught English for nearly 8 years.  I am looking forward to learning more about online learning and teaching techniques and am energized by everyone's greetings.  Due to the time difference and my personal commitments I may not be able to participate in many live sessions, but I look forward to reading all about them and learning with you.  Thank you!





Stella Saubidet

Hello everyone. I'm Stella from Argentina. I'm a teacher of English in a secondary school and teacher trainer at college and at University. I've been teaching English for 30 years now (wow! it sounds ...).

I've already taken BAW sessions though it is not easy in January and February bec we are in the middle of our holidays and I should be enjoying myself with my family rather than studying. However it is ALWAYS a pleasure to learn WITH and FROM you @ll (addictive, I would say).

I've got  a BSc in Technology of Education and I've almost finished my Master degree in Linguistics.

My  Gmail e-mail address is: stellamso@gmail.com (the one I most frequently use)

My Yahoo e-address is: stellamso@yahoo.com.ar, another one tha sometimes bounce :-( saubidet@dd.com.ar


my last blog : http://englishandictregion5.blogspot.com >>>especially created for a training course  for teachers








Maria Gildeta

Hi I´m Gil,  well in fact this is my nickname, my real name is Maria Gildeta.  I´m from Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.  I´m a retired teacher now but I still teach privately.  I love what I do and I´m always trying to learn something new. This is my first time at BAW and I´m looking forward to meeting my colleagues from all of the world. Thanks

My Yahooid is marigilde

My Skype is: gildeta





Hala Salih

Salam My name is Hala Salih I am from Sudan. I am  a close friend of Hala Fawzi whom I miss very much. I have been very busy in the past year trying to establish the English Language Institute at our university so I missed a lot of EVO sessions. With the ELI fully established I have decided to join this year to catch up with what I missed.

Yahoo  halasalih

My skype name is halanur1








Carmen Echerri

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My name is Carmen and I  live and teach in the NYC tri-state area.  I have been teaching for ten years and I am about to complete my masters in TESOL from the New School, New York. I am in the process of converting the  reading course I teach to an online course and would like to learn technical tools to enhance student's learning.






Yoon Sook Jhee (Yoon)

Hi I am Yoon Sook Jhee from Malaysia. I am teaching in University Malaysia Sabah, located in the beautiful Borneo.I teach Communicative English, Phonology and Academic Writing. This is my second BAW. I love to 'meet' new friends in the live sessions. 

Yahoo ID: sookjhee

Skype: sookjhee

Twitter: sookjhee

Facebook: Yoon Sook Jhee

Email: sookjhee@yahoo.com






Paul Davelouis

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Hello everybody. I'm Paul Davelouis from Perú. I would like to share experiences about digital tools.





Shirley Delsart


Happy New Year to Everyone!


My name is Shirley Delsart, and I am currently living in Japan.
I taught ESL to adults in the San Francisco Bay Area for many
years. Most of my students in California were university-age
students. My wonderful students in Japan are mostly middle-aged 
and retired people. I'm very interested in expanding my knowledge
of using technology to enhance my students' learning experience.
Yahoo ID:  miojinike





Branko Rumenovic


Hello. My name is Branko Rumenovic. I came from Ogulin, Croatia. I work as a teacher of economic subjects in high school. My school is called Gymnasium Bernardin Frankopan Ogulin. I am 27 years old. I have included in this course because I regret to learn new things.





Deborah Kerr


Deborah Kerr has an M.A. in Multilingual/Multicultural Education and has been teaching ESL for 21 years in many different environments.  She is elated to be part of this open and empowering worldwide community of learners and looks forward to putting into practice  all of the technological tools this kind and generous group of Webhead colleague/mentors is so wonderfully and expertly modeling for us.  Her goal is to start on online school to reach people who might otherwise not have access to education.   In her spare time she can be found anywhere in nature or watching reruns of Star Trek TNG on Netflix!  :) 


Skype ID:  lughdanann

Email:  lughdanann@yahoo.com







Dujmovic Iva


My name is Iva Dujmovic (Yahoo ID: ivadujmovic77). I live in the little town of Rovinj, at the seaside of Croatia (small but great European country). I am a biology teacher in a primary school. I joined this group to find out more about web tools, especially making blogs, as well as to meet new people, although virtually ;)
I am a mother of two young boys, which means I don't have ANY free time, but I will try to be a part of this group and visit the sessions as much as possible. As you can read, I am already late to the first session :-(






Reem Mourad

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Hello! I am Reem from Egypt.  am an EFL teacher. I teach all age groups, but mainly young learners. This is my first time to join EVO. I wish to learn new ways that adds fun and joy to education. I am really facinated by the world of learning and teaching online. I kept watching for a long time and I really want to start sharing and,I hope to find this starting point with you all !! Thanks in advance!

Twitter: @reemmourad

skype: reemmourad2

yahoo: reemmourad18@yahoo.com






Dana Rakova


Hi, my name is Dana and I am from the Czech Republic. I am an English teacher at the lower secondary school and therefore I am keen to learn about new interesting methods of teaching FL especially including technologies.  I believe that learning FL can be fun!


yahoo: dana.rakova@yahoo.com





Iona Sarieva

Hello everyone,
I am happy to be part of BaW 2012! My name is Iona Sarieva. I am a lecturer, teacher trainer, and a researcher; I currently work at Sofia University, Bulgaria. I do believe in the important role of technology in the 21st century learning and communication and am looking forward to learning more about effective tools and strategies for including new technologies into the learning process. 


Iona Sarieva


Skype: isarieva

Yahoo ID: isarieva





Farisai Isi


 Hello Everyone,
 My name is Farisai Isi and I am a part time EFL teacher from Trinidad and Tobago, which is in the southern Caribbean near Venezuela. Most students come to our anglophone islands from South America and the French speaking Caribbean. They are usually pre or post university level or professionals seeking promotions, so with few exceptions they tend to be very motivated and techno savvy.
I have used Facebook and blogs, but I'm aware that I have only scratched the surface. My expectation is that through interaction in this community I can grow to greater levels of comfort and facility with the tools at our disposal.





Faith Fishley

Hello everyone,


I am Faith Fishley from Toronto. I'd been teaching EFL in Japan and Korea for the last seven years and hopefully returning back to Asia in the very near future. Though I personally use technology everyday, I haven't explored it as means for language teaching. I have an interest in online teaching, but I am not up to date with what tools are available. I look forward to participating in this session.


Yahoo ID: ffishley

Skype ID: ladyfaith_1





Carina P Soares

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My name is Carina and I am from Brasilia, Brazil. Right now I am living and working in Vancouver, Canada. I work at a school called International House. This is my third time taking an EVO session. I have been trying to start a wiki page for my school and that is why I need help! Also, I feel that many of the teachers I work  with are not very familiar with the use of technology in the classroom. I hope I can share what I learn and help them feel more comfortable about it. It is a pleasure to be here again!


Skype id: carina.soares11


* I am still trying to resize my picture! :)





Maria Luisa Mu (Mumi) 


Dear everyone
 My name is Maria Luisa but most people call me Mumi due to the sound of my Chinese name Mumimu.

 I am the representative of TEACH the Peruvian Association of Teachers of English and have been a teacher and a teacher trainer for a long time. At present I do teacher training all over Peru sponsored by publishers or distributors and that is why I expect to learn how I could multiply and expand the possibilities of using ICT by my colleagues, especially in those geographical areas where there are not so many academic events running.
 I am a follower of the Dalai Lama and truly believe our task in this world is to help each other.

 I look forward to hearing from you all.





Chandy Silva

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Hi Everybody,


I'm Chandrika Silva from Sri Lanka. I prefer to be called Chandy. I work as an English Instructor at the Wayamba university of Sri Lanka. I teach young adults in my classes. Joined this course to learn new things. Hope to have a great time.




Hardi Prasetyo

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Dear all,

Hello, my name is Hardi Prasetyo, from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am currently working as a teaching staff in English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University. This is my second time joining this group, and as my last year experiences, I learned a lot about many things and I expect this year will be the same or even much more enriching :)


YahooID: prasetyohardi

Skype: hardiprast

twitter: prasetyo





Federico Bertón




 Hello everybody!


 My name is Federico Bertón,  I'm from Villa Mercedes (San Luis- Argentina) and, I'm 21 years old.

Currently I'm studying to become teacher of English, hopefully I'll get my degree by the end of this year. Even though I'm not a teacher yet I'm teaching English at ISLI ( a private institute of English here in my city) I teach teens and young adults. I have to thank Jennifer Verschoor, who told me about this great group, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even know about it and also I'd like to thank Maria Bossa, who is one of the moderators of this group, who helped me a lot when I didn't know what to do at first  when I joined you. I hope to learn and share with all of you web 2.oo tools and explore all together the best ways of using them in our teaching practices. This is the first time I join this group ... so let's give it a try! 


See you around in the cyberspace !!!


Yahoo ID: bertnf@yahoo.com

Skype ID: @bertnf

Twitter: SL_ET 




Dina Dobrou

Hello everyone!


I am an EFL teacher and freelance translator from Athens, Greece and have been working for over 15 years in language institutes in Athens, both as a teacher and a DoS. I have also taught international students in the UK and experimented with bringing tech magic into their summer courses. I currently teach all age groups and levels and try to incorporate digital tools in all my classes.


I am as passionate about teaching as I am about learning which is why I joined EVO! I hope to learn from you and connect with you all!


Yahoo ID: dinadobrou

Twitter: @DinaDobrou

Facebook: Dina Dobrou

Skype: Dina.Dobrou

Blog: http://onair.edublogs.org/ 





Veronica Arena


My name's Veronica Arena. I run a language school in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Twitter: veronica_arena

skype: instituto.needs




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).





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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).





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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).






Write your name here

Hi, My name's Fergus Fadden and I'm a teacher a and soon to be CELTA trainer. I've been teaching English for about 7 years now and I love it more every day! I'm currently living in Sao Paulo, Brazil where I am working with a very progressive school.


I thought in a few different countries( France, Spain and of course at home in Ireland) and have found each one more and more enriching.


I'm really looking forward to getting into this course and contributing as much as possible.


Skype; fergusteacher

Yahoo; fergusteacher

Gmail; fergusteacher

Facebook; www.facebook.com/fergusteacher

Audioboo; fergusteacher

Twitter; fergusteacher







Comments (1)

Sneza Filipovic said

at 10:31 pm on Jan 14, 2012

Oh dear! If something can go wrong, it will go wrong. If nothing can go wrong something will. I cant believe this is happening

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