

Page history last edited by Rosemary R. 11 years, 3 months ago

Participants' Productions




Dear Participants,

This is a place for you to post the link to your NEW wiki or blog (created in week 3). On this wiki or blog, you will share your creations using your favorite tools or any activities done as you play around during the course. Whenever possible, describe how you use the tools.

If you would like to share previous blogs or wikis, please, use the corresponding column.



Your name URL to your wiki or blog and activities - Created for BaW
Your old blog / wiki and activities

Marijana Smolcec (mod)


This is a Voxopop thread discussion I have created for my students to exchangethe ideas about their favourite web tool or website. We have been exploring the tools

recently. I am looking forward to their comments.


Happy Marijana's Voki.


Have opened wiki for my students works"smolcecictenglish" - http://smolcecictenglish.pbworks.com/w/page/50207686/FrontPage will add more info later :))

VOKI Image tutorial on my blog http://englishlearning-marijanasblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/voki-image-tutorial-baw2012.html

As you know it's been snowing all around Europe, Croatia is no exception and  my sons love it- Here is the Animoto I created! Family Smolcec fun in the snow!!

My old blog the one I created for BaW2011 and my main site :)


catherine boissier

My Eyejot

This is just a short message to you all from me on Eyejot


- this is my first Voki too!!!


Here's my new blogger.com  link:   http://catherinbbaw2012.blogspot.com


Here's a link to a history quizz!




As you can see below (!! sorry, it's rather big!) I've managed to make a crossword!

Here's the link otherwise!






Voice Recorder >> 


Hello everyone! This is a link to one of the voki pages of one of my class wikis. I was pleased that the students enjoyed this exercise because they had had problems with the voxopop. They enjoyed listening to each other and voting for their favourite! 




Rosemary Raygada 

 I did this avatar with Voki. It is a very nice tool that the students could use easily

while learning the language. This is an example with a short greeting

to baw2012 participants.




Sameh Tharwat 

(Voki tool)


I have created this avatar with Voki and i think it is really a nice tool


(Wiki pbworks)


this is my new wiki cause I have an old blog




this is a trial survey by survey monkey. I think it is a great tool




this is a crossword game designed for Baw 2012



this is my current blog I made it for my MA. program


Cholpon Musaeva

I have also created an avatar using Voki and really enjoyed the process. here is the link to my Voki 





Bob Lejkowski-Clark

Made a voki - quite an experience. Here is the pic




Have also started a scoop.it with the sites mentioned so far




Lawan Dalha 

What an excellent and exciting experience: BAW 2012! This is my first voki!


Its quite interesting to learn that my voki is not accessible on FF browzer. Thats to tell you the expertise of a great newbie! I hope I've done it correctly now, or you can have access to the link here: 



Hello BAWers. Here comes 'Technolinguistics'; my new blog: http://technolinguistics.edublogs.org/

Looking forward to your comments!



Sneza Filipovic 

This is My first Voki!  



I have also tried Animoto http://animoto.com/play/WgEWPPTOww1sPbYix3TYeg

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.


Here is the link to my new blog, created for BaW 2012



And finally, unbelievably, unexpectedly, supercalifragilisticexpialidociously My first wiki:







This is my old blog, but I wasn' t using it until very, very recently :-)! http://snezanafilipovic.posterous.com/

Indrit Bulku 

Still exploring the tools introduced in this week. Due to some projects at work I can't fully devote myself to the course, so I am just getting a taste of everything and then dwel more on each tool. I am sure I will benefit a great deal by checking each participant's work. Below is a very simple Voki. I will add more in the following weeks.



The link below is about my new Wiki for my spring writing ccourse. I just started working on it and I hope I will b edone by the end of this course. I would be glad if you give me some feedback after I have prepared it.



My speaking classes are always crowded (30 students per class) so it's difficult for me to give them equal opportunities to speak or give them detailed feedback. A groupd discussion on Voxopop gives me the opoortunity to analyze their speech and give them feedback. Students also have a chance to compare their speech to that of the other friends. The group is still under construction, as I will add links an other topics for debate.




BWA2012: I just started the blog about BWA 2012



Larisa Olesova (mod)

Hooray! Just created mine, please enjoy!



Anita Belancic 



Maryanne Burgos

I've had my blog Eduwebtools for some time, but the most recent posts are about EVO.  I hope you will check it out.





It was nice to finally find an avatar that could have grey hair! 

Twitter @ anciana



David Balmaceda.


A link to my facebook account for students. In one of group I used the voki to give the welcome to the students in the group. Have look at it.




My 1st blog:  http://profbalmaceda.blogspot.com/  :)



Maria Gildeta

Hello evryone,
Here is my first voki to BAW. I enjoyed a lot doing it. I hope you like it. Check it at http://gildeta.posterous.com
or here http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=5210571&height=267&width=200
Sorry I couldn´t make it like Maryanne< Larissa and the other. I couldn´t make it appear here. Thanks Gil


This is an exercise I´ve created using Hot Potatoes. I thought it was difficult for me to upload it but finally I could make it. Here the link: http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/80242/DKYYUGOV.php

My Posterous blog


Teresa Almeida d'Eca (mod)

My Voki for BaW12

(recorded my own voice using the mic icon)



A Voki I created in Nov11 (used Text-to-Speech feature)



Here's a wiki idea that you may find useful

Remedial work (for 6th graders, 2nd year EFLers)


Maria Bossa (mod)


This is my blog. I created it last year for BaW2011. I've made some comments about Graham's session for BaW12, the use of Twitter and text messages using Shakespeare. Smiles to you all, Maria :)


Dorothee Rölli

Hi everybody!

This is my first voki and I'm happy to post it here for you to see:




Veronica Arena 

  This is my old blog http://veronicaarena.blogspot.com/ Well, as a matter of fact it was created a couple of months ago (so not that old!). 

Sanja Bozinovic 

My new blog ( in Croatian):



QuizStar – search for my name (S. Bozinovic) or my class (Hribar 7) or my quiz (Taking a Break).

It's a multiple choice quiz  with the vocabulary from a lesson students did last week.

My old blog: http://sanjasays.blogspot.com/  Its title says it is a diary but feel free to read and leave a comment.


Voki I created for my students' blog last year:


Voki one of my students created for a project 




Branko Rumenovic



At the Baw2012, I learned a lot, such as how to use yahoomessenger, skype or twiter. Here are my accounts:

YahooMessenger: branko.rumenovic

Skype: branko.rumenovic

Twitter: Branko Rumenovic

Facebook: Branko Rumenović



My wiki place: Economy virtual classroom



My ProProfs Quiz:"Welcome to Croatia" 



My animoto video:This is a presentation for my students who held a a guest teacher:


This is my blog. I made this for cultural and artistic society "Tounjčica". I am the president of the Folklore Society. You can see our actions. Blog in Croatian language, but you can enjoy our photos. :)






I hope you enjoyed!

Dawn Kobayashi 

Hello! I've not had nearly enough time to take part in the sessions...boo boo!

I have started an edublog though! I called it Lost in Education it's to share info with other teachers who are interested in the role of creativity in language education. That is drama, literature art music etc etc




I also joined twitter ( ID dawnkobayashi)


I'm a complete novice but i love learning new things!

I have also set up a limited access wiki. I'll be making a presentation in June with some colleagues and a wiki seems the perfect way for us to collaborate. I'll let you know how it goes!

I love the vokis! I'll have to get new students to make their own ones at the beginning of the new term in April! 


Federico Bertón 



This is my a voxopop  activity I have created to use with my students - It isn't ready to use yet but I'd like to share it with you . 



This is my activity I have created why ESLVIDEO.com - It's not a real quizz, I'd use it for other purposes such as trying to understand the story behind of the video. I decided to use the video of Coldplay " Charly Brown" 





Hello there, I'm back!! Hope you are all having a great time as I am in week 3 .  I'd like to share with all of you my wikispace and my blog.  There you will find some activities I make use of when doing my teaching practices. Hope you find them useful!


My wikispace: ( under constraction)



My blog: (under constraction) 




Alsu Gilmetdinova

Hello all,

Here is my voki. Thanks to all for sharing your work with us; it is truly inspiring :)




Carolina Marcote 

Hello everybody!

I have a created a wiki to show you how much I have learned. The problem is finding the time to add the info to it. I have finished the front page and week 1. I am planning to continue next week. Hope you like it !!

My wiki 

I would love to read your suggestions and comments!


Daniela Tomatis 


This is my Voki!



Here are some vokis I created for my students



Hello everyone

For some reason my Mic works ok when I use Skype or Voxpop but does not work for the Voki so I used some of the voices from the page. This is my first voki so I am really proud!!!




I also created a Voxopop for one of my courses and working on the blog but would like you to see my work. I am so happy I feel like a hen that has just laid an egg...I am about to start clucking!!! Here is the link



Finally, after some time and always behind (boohoo) I can share the link to the blog I created for the course I teach at the university. I tried to include some of the things I learned thanks to you all. My deepest gratitude BAW2012 team and moderators.

Here is my blog:


Oops !! Do not understand why I have two vokis here.

My old blog which I co-administered with my friend is:



Russ Pearce


It's nice when something works, isn't it!! Still catching up - a long way behind you all!


I've been blogging about my travels for a long time now. You can see it here. http://www.mytb.org/rrruss  


My first attempt at eslvideo. Why should all esl videos be pop?




Like my colleague, Russ (above), work committments and holidays mean that I haven't been able to devote as much time as I would have liked to BAW2012.  I have, however, instigated a Voxopop project for our students: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/774ec6a5-ada7-4d92-a4fb-d33fd04cfe4f.  It's early days and we are dealing with students who have had very little opportunity to practise their spoken English, but I'm excited about where we can go with this. 

I have been blogging, on and off, for a while now.  This is my blog: http://worldteacher-andrea.blogspot.com/ .  BAW2012 has inspired me to revivie it and I have published a couple of new posts over the last week.


I have also been a fan of Twitter for a long time.  My Twitter name is @worldteacher.  I have quite a large PLN and enjoy taking part in the Wednesday #eltchat when I have time. 

Stella Saubidet

Wow!. It's been a hectic day:


1- this is my BAW12 BLOG: http://stella-ict.blogspot.com/


2- my first EFL VIDEO>>>for beginners



3- my first PRO Profs>>>for teacher training college students







4- - My VOKI  "




Still trying to catch up!

stella :-)





This is a Voki I created  for a Training course I have been delivering:


Reem Mourad

Although I have an old blog yet I created a knew one for baw12!!


 and this is my voki



and this is my new wiki!!








moved here






Comments (7)

Gil said

at 7:37 pm on Jan 23, 2012

Hello evryone,
Here is my first voki to BAW. I enjoyed a lot doing it. I hope you like it. Check it at http://gildeta.posterous.com
or here http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=5210571&height=267&width=200
Sorry I couldn´t make it like Maryanne< Larissa and the other. I couldn´t make it appear here. Thanks Gil

MarijanaS said

at 10:19 am on Jan 24, 2012

Hi Gil, you can add you voki to the table yourself. When you are logged into wiki, choose "edit" and save you links as others did, if you still want to have it seen as Larissa's and Maryanne's you need to copy embbed code in your Voki site and choose "Insert">"HTML" and just paset it pressing Contol +V on your keyboard. Good luck with all, if you still have problems contact us! :)

MarijanaS said

at 4:29 pm on Jan 24, 2012

Hi Gli, for more information please check our Help page, on how to embbed Voki http://baw2012.pbworks.com/w/page/48179698/HelpPage#EmbeddingaVokiinPBworks

Gil said

at 2:27 am on Jan 28, 2012

Thank you Marijana for your comments but unfortunately I couldn´t find where I choose "insert" and HTML to paste it. I tried to copied the embed code and paste it but only the script appears here. Anyway thank you very much. I´ll keep trying regards Gil

MarijanaS said

at 1:21 pm on Jan 28, 2012

Hi Gil, You see "insert" in the toolbar when you edit the wiki page, when you click on it it will show you drop down menu and you choose "HTML code" then you just press Control +V and paste previouslly copied embbed code of your Voki!

Gil said

at 11:24 pm on Jan 29, 2012

Thank you Hugs

Gil said

at 10:33 pm on Feb 2, 2012

This is an exercise I´ve created using Hot Potatoes. I thought it was difficult for me to upload it but finally I could make it. Here the link: http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/80242/DKYYUGOV.php
You can also check it at http://gildeta.posterous.com Thank you.

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